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Setting provider API keys

Providers may require authentication details in order to use their APIs, typically API keys or tokens. By default Superface OneSDK reads API keys from environment variables. This behavior can be modified through the super.json file.

Getting API keys from provider

Every provider has different way of obtaining keys, usually you need to sign up for an account. In case you have trouble obtaining credentials from your selected provider, reach to us.

Configuring the provider

The Superface CLI configures the provider to read credentials from environment variable. For example, configure a new provider sendgrid for the send-email capability:

npx @superfaceai/cli configure sendgrid --profile=communication/send-email

This will create a new entry in the super.json file:

"profiles": {
// ...
"providers": {
"sendgrid": {
"security": [
"id": "bearer_token",
"token": "$SENDGRID_TOKEN"

Value starting with $ refers to an environment variable, so OneSDK will read the API credentials for SendGrid from SENDGRID_TOKEN. You can change this name to fit your needs.

Storing and reading API keys

A common practice is to store environment variables into .env file which is not checked into a version control system. Following the SendGrid example above, you can store the SENDGRID_TOKEN variable in .env file:


Then in your Node.js application, load the variables from .env using the dotenv package. Alternatively if you use Docker Compose, the .env file is read automatically.